Here is a List of all the Works I have keyed in, and which you can download as Midi Files in one form or another (that is, either voice-emphasized or not!). Simply navigate - follow/click on the links - through the system until you come to the pages with the actual Music Files on them, and then click on the Files you want to download.:-
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Albert, Prince Consort |
Te Deum NEED
Aleotti |
Angelus ad pastores ait
Alfven |
Julsang -
Allegri |
Miserere mei Deus NEED
Amner |
Blessed be the Lord God
Anerio |
Christus factus est
Anonymous |
Carro della Morte
Arbo |
Crossing the bar
Arnesen |
Christmas Night -
Ash |
The Pelicantata
Astorga |
Stabat Mater NEED
Austin |
Songs in a farmhouse
Ayleward |
Preces & Responses
Bach, CPE |
Magnificat (Wq 215)
Bach, JChr |
Bach, JM |
Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr
Bach, JS |
Ascension Oratorio (Cantata 11) (complete)
Cantata 21
Cantata 30 NEED
Cantata 29
Cantata 40 NEED
Cantata 63
Cantata 91 NEED
Cantata 118 (O Jesu Christ, Mein's Lebens Licht)
Cantata 131
Cantata 137
Cantata 140
Cantata 146
Cantata 147 (inc. "Jesus bleibet meine Freude")
Cantata 191
Cantata 229 (Komm, Jesu, komm)
Chorale segments
Jesu, joy of Man's desiring
St. John Passion
St. Luke Passion
St. Matthew Passion
Christmas Oratorio
Easter Oratorio
Magnificat in D
Mass in B minor
Mass in F major
Missa Brevis in A-major (BWV 234)
Motet 1 (BWV 225): Singet dem Herrn (Sing ye to the Lord a new song)
Motet 2 (BWV 226): Der Geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf (The Spirit gives aid to our weakness)
Motet 3 (BWV 227): Jesu, meine Freude (Jesus, my great pleasure
Motet 4 (BWV 228): Fürchte dich nicht (Do not fear)
Motet 5 (BWV 229): Komm, Jesu, komm (Come, Jesus, come)
Motet 6 (BWV 230): Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (O praise the Lord, all ye Nations)
Sheep may safely graze (BWV 208) - James Winfield arrangement
Zion hears her watchman calling (parts 4 & 7 of Cantata 140)
Bainton |
And I saw a new heaven
Bairstow |
I sat down under His shadow
Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Save us, O Lord, waking
Barber |
Agnus Dei (choral Adagio)
Beach |
Canticle of the Sun NEED
Mass in Eb
Nunc Dimittis
Three Shakespeare Choruses NEED
Beethoven |
Choral Fantasy (final section)
Choruses from Beethoven's Operas
Dona nobis pacem
Mass in C
Mass in D (Missa solemnis)
Opferlied (Op. 121b)
9th Symphony: Finale
The Mount of Olives (Christus am Ölberge, Op.85)
Bennett |
A Farewell to Arms
Berlioz |
Choruses from Berlioz's Operas
Requiem (Grande Messe des Morts)
Te Deum
The Childhood of Christ
(L'enfance du Christ)
Tristia NEED
Bernstein |
Chichester Psalms
Missa Brevis
Biber |
Requiem in F minor
Billings |
Bingham |
The Pilgrimes Travels
Bizet |
Choruses from Bizet's Operas
Blackford |
Blair |
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (original)
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Ed. Ivor Atkins)
Bliss |
Pastoral: Lie strewn the white flocks
Bloch |
Avodath Hakodesh
Blow |
Behold, O God our defender - Four part
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Five part
Evening Canticles in G NEED
God is our hope and strength NEED
Let Thy hand be strengthened
Salvator Mundi
Borodin |
Polovtsian [Polovetsian] Dances
Boulanger |
Soleils de Septembre
Sous bois
Boyce |
O where shall wisdom be found?
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
The King shall rejoice
Brahms |
A Song of Destiny (Schicksalslied)
Four Songs (Op. 17)
German Requiem
Gesang der Parzen
11 Gipsy Songs NEED
Liebeslieder Op52
Neue Liebeslieder Op65
Brewer |
Brewer in D NEED
Britten |
A Boy was Born (Novello version) NEED
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (OUP version) NEED
A Hymn to the Virgin
A Ceremony of Carols
Festival Te Deum
Five Flower Songs
Hymn to St. Cecilia NEED
Rejoice in the Lamb
St. Nicolas
War Requiem -
Welcome Ode - Canon
Brown |
A Song for Oriana (about this work)
Bruckner |
Ave Maria
Christus factus est
Geistliche chore - Eleven motets NEED
Inhalt 1. Ave Maria
2. Offertorium: Afferentur regi
3. Pange lingua
4. Graduale: Locus iste
5. Antiphon
6. Graduale (Os justi)
7. Graduale - Christus factus est
8. Ecce sacerdos
9. Virga Jesse
10. Vexilla regis
Anhang Inveni David
Libera me
Locus iste
Mass No 1 in D minor
Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2) - 1896 version
Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3)
Te Deum
Bush |
A Christmas Cantata
Buxtehude |
Magnificat (BuxWV Anh)
Missa alla Brevis BuxWV 114 NEED
The little newborn Jesus child (Das Neugeborne Kindelein)
The Lord is with me (Der Herr ist mit mir)
Byrd |
Ave Maria
Ave verum corpus
Haec Dies
Infelix ego
I will not leave you comfortless
Justorum Animae (The souls of the righteous)
Laetentur Coeli (Let the heavens be glad)
Mass for Three Voices
Mass for Four Voices NEED
Mass for Five Voices NEED
Ne irascaris Domine; Civitas sancti Tui
O Magnum Mysterium NEED
O Rex gloriae NEED
O sacrum convivium
Peccantem me quotidie
Preces & Responses
Prevent us, O Lord
Second Service
Sing joyfully
Surge illuminare
Teach me, O Lord
Venite Comedite NEED
Caccini |
Ave Maria
Campra |
Messe de Requiem NEED
Canteloube |
La Baylere
Carissimi |
Carols |
Carter - |
Benedicite NEED
Casals |
O vos omnes
Castagnet |
Cavalli |
Messa Concertata
Cesis |
Stabat Mater
Charpentier |
In nativitatem Domini canticum
Le Reniement de St Pierre NEED
Messe de Minuit (Lemoine version)
Messe de Minuit (Schott version)
Messe des morts, H.10 NEED
Miserere des Jesuites
Te Deum
Cherubini |
Mass in C major
Mass No.2 (Missa solemnis in D minor) NEED
Requiem in C-minor
Chilcott - |
I share Creation
Little Jazz Mass
Nova! nova!
Remember, O Thou Man
The Gift to be Simple (SSAA version)
The twelve days of Christmas NEED
Child |
O Lord, grant the King a long life
Clarke |
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
Cratoule Collection |
Collection of Works by Geoffray, Ferrat, Althouse, Hostettler, Drake and Villard
Crivelli |
O Maria Mater Gratiae
Croft |
God is gone up
Darke |
Communion Service in A minor
Communion Service in F major
Dawson |
Hiawatha - The Famine
Debussy |
Beau soir
Trois Chansons NEED
Delius |
Sea Drift
Desprez (Josquin) |
Ave Maria ... Virgo serena
Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae NEED
Missa Pangue Lingua NEED
Diabelli |
Angelus ad Pastores ait
Pastoralmesse in F
Puer natus est nobis
Donizetti |
Choruses from Donizetti's Operas
Drayton |
For Remembrance - not publicly available
Dunstaple |
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Duparc |
Chanson triste
Durante |
Magnificat a 5
Durufle |
Four Motets NEED . . . I. . Ubi caritas
. . . . . . . . . . . . II. . Tota pulchra
. . . . . . . . . . . . III. .Tu es Petrus
. . . . . . . . . . . . IV.. Tantum ergo
Dvorak |
Mass in D major (Op. 86)
Stabat Mater
Te Deum
Dyson |
Canterbury Pilgrims - not publicly available
Magnificat in D minor - not publicly available
Ebdon |
Preces & Responses
Elgar |
Ave Maria
Ave maris stella
Ave Verum
Coronation Ode
Dream of Gerontius
From the Bavarian Highlands (Six Choral Songs)
Good morrow
Land of hope and glory (arr. Arthur Fagge)
My Love dwelt in a Northern land
O happy eyes NEED
O hearken Thou
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf
. . . . (includes "As torrents in Summer")
Te Deum & Benedictus
The Apostles
The Black Knight (Op 25) - orchestral version
The Black Knight (Op 25) - piano version
The Kingdom
The Light of Life (includes "Light out of darkness")
The Music Makers
There is sweet music
The Queen (from the "Coronation Ode")
The Shower
They are at rest
Three Part Songs NEED
Eriksson |
Gjendines badnlat
Farmer |
Lord's Prayer
Farrant |
Call to remembrance, O Lord
Hide not thou thy face
Faure |
Apres un reve
Au bord de l'eau
Cantical of Jean Racine
Four Songs NEED
Le papillon et la fleur
Les berceaux
Les Djinns
Messe des pecheurs de Villerville (by Faure & Messager)
Tantum ergo NEED
Finzi |
In Terra Pax NEED
Intimations of Immortality NEED
Lo, the Full, Final, Sacrifice
Fletcher |
Ring out wild bells
Franck |
Mass in A major NEED
Panis Angelicus (in A, for SATB)
Gabrieli |
Hodie completi sunt
In Ecclesiis (Motet a 15)
Jubilate Deo a 8
O Domine Jesu Christe
O Jesu mi dulcissime
O Magnum Misterium
Plaudite omnis terra NEED
Gesualdo |
O vos omnes (five-part version)
Tres sacrae cantiones (Three sacred songs) NEED
Gibbons |
Almighty and everlasting God
Benedictus NEED
Hosanna to the son of David
Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Second Service)
Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Short Service)
O clap your hands together
O Lord, in thy wrath
Te Deum (from the Short Service)
Venite Exultemus NEED
Gilbert & Sullivan |
Trial by Jury
Gjeilo - not publicly available |
Across the vast eternal sky
Away in a manger
First Nowell
Sunrise Mass
The Rose
Glinka |
The Cherubic Hymn
Goodall |
Eternal Light - a Requiem
Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd) - not publicly available
Goss |
These are they which follow the Lamb
Gounod |
Choruses from Gounod's Operas
Messe No 6 aux cathedrals
Messe solennelle (St Cecilia)
Requiem in C
Grandval |
Stabat Mater NEED
Graupner |
Magnificat NEED
Greene |
Lord, let me know mine end
Grieg |
Ave maris stella
Guerrero |
Ave Virgo sanctissima
Canite tuba
Hacquart |
Domine, deus meus
Hadley |
My beloved spake
Hahn |
Chansons & Madrigals
Handel |
Choruses from Handel's Operas
Acis & Galatea
Alexander Balus
Alexander's Feast
Brockes Passion NEED
Chandos Anthems NEED ALL - No. 1: O be joyful in the Lord
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 2: In the Lord put I my trust
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 3: Have mercy upon me
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 4: O sing unto the Lord
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 5a: I will magnify Thee
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 6a: As pants the hart for cooling streams
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 7: My song shall be alway
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 8: O come let us sing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 9: O praise the Lord
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 10: The Lord is my light
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - No. 11: Let God arise
Coronation Anthems - The King shall rejoice (Four part)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Six part)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .My heart is inditing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Let thy hand be strengthened
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zadok the priest (4-part)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zadok the priest (7-part)
Dettingen Anthem (for "Dettingen Te Deum" see below)
Dixit Dominus
Foundling Hospital Anthem (Blessed are they that consider the poor)
Gloria (for solo Soprano) NEED
Israel in Egypt (see also "The Ways of Zion do mourn")
Joseph and his Brethren
"Utrecht" Jubilate
Judas Maccabaeus
Laudate pueri Dominum
Nisi Dominus NEED
Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne
Ode on St. Cecelia
Samson - complete!
Saul - complete!
Semele (the Oratorio)
Solomon - complete!
"Dettingen" Te Deum (for "Dettingen Anthem" see above)
"Utrecht" Te Deum
The Occasional Oratorio NEED
The Choice of Hercules
The Triumph of Time and Truth
The ways of Zion do mourn (the Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline) (see also "Israel in Egypt")
Handel-Bohm |
St John Passion
Handl (Gallus) |
Pater Noster
Handl (Jacob) |
Ecce concipies
Harris (Matthew) |
Full Fathom Five NEED
Hark the Lark NEED
Harris (Paul) |
A Christmas sequence of five carols NEED
Harris (William H) |
Let my prayer come up into thy presence
O what their joy and their glory must be
Hassler |
Dixit Maria
Missa VIII Octo Vocum NEED
Haydn |
1. Missa brevis in G - Rorate coeli desuper
2. Missa brevis in F (Hob. XXII: 1)
3. Cecilienmesse (Missa Cellensis in hon. BVM. Hob. XXII:5)
No. 4 in D minor: "Missa sunt bona mixta malis". (Hob. XXII:2) Not currently available
5. Missa in hon BVM in E flat (Great Organ Mass). Hob. XXII:4)
6. Missa Sancti Nicolai
7. Kleine Orgelmesse (Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo)
8. Mariazellermesse (Missa Cellensis. Hob. XXII:8) NEED
9. Mass in B flat major (Heilig-Messe)
10. Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War) (Second Mass)
11. Imperial "Nelson" Mass (Missa in Angustiis)
12. Theresien Messe (Mass no. 12 in Bflat Major)
13. Mass in B flat (Creation Mass - Schopfungsmesse)
14. Mass in B flat major (Harmonie-Messe)
Abendlied zu Gott
Der Sturm (The Storm)
Insanae at vanae curae
Non nobis Domine NEED
Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2 NEED
Stabat Mater
Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:1)
Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:2)
The Creation
The Seasons - Spring (complete)
. . . . . . . . .
. - Summer (complete)
. . . . . . . . .
. - Autumn (complete)
. . . . . . . . .
. - Winter (complete)
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross NEED
Haydn (Michael) |
Mass in C (St Francis Seraphici) - MH 119 NEED
Mass in D min - MH 553 NEED
Missa in honorem Sancta Ursulae
Missa Sancti Amandi NEED
Requiem in C minor (MH 155)
Te Deum (MH 28)
Te Deum (MH 415) NEED
Vesperae solennes (MH 321)
Hedges |
I sing the birth
Hensel |
Gebet in der Christnacht
Holst |
Christmas Day
Neptune - Mystic - Chorus NEED
Nunc Dimittis NEED
Ode to Death
Six Choral Folksongs . . . . NEED
. . . . 1: I sowed the seeds of love
. . . . 2: There was a tree
. . . . 3: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
. . . . 4: The song of the Blacksmith
. . . . 5: I Love my Love
. . . . 6: Swansea Town
Holst (Imogen) |
A Hymne to Christ
Honegger |
Christmas Cantata
Hooper |
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Short Service)
Horovitz |
Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo
Howells |
Behold, O God our defender
Hymnus Paradisi
Like as the hart - not publicly available
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in B minor
Requiem NEED
Te Deum & Jubilate NEED
Hummel |
Mass in B flat
Mass in D major
Ireland |
Greater love hath no man
Irvine |
The Lord's my shepherd - Crimond
Ives |
A Christmas Carol - Little Star of Bethlehem
Jackson |
Preces & Responses 1
Preces & Responses 2
Jenkins |
Adiemus NEED - part of Songs of Sanctuary
Gods of Olympus
The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace NEED
John IV |
Crux fidelis
Jommelli |
Missa Defunctorum (Requiem)
Kodaly |
Missa Brevis
Kuhnau |
Magnificat NEED
Wie schön leuchtet der Morganstern NEED
Lambert |
The Rio Grande - not publicly available
Lassus |
Adoramus te, Christe
Ave verum corpus
Missa Bella Amfitrit Altera NEED
Iustorum animae
Libera me, Domine
Timor et tremor
Lauridsen |
Les chansons des roses
Lux Aeterna
O Magnum Mysterium
Lawes |
Zadok the priest
Leighton |
Columba Mea NEED
Leoncavallo |
Choruses from Leoncavallo's Operas
Leontovych & Wilhousky |
Carol of the Bells - not publicly available
Liszt |
Ave Maria I
Missa Choralis
Missa Solemnis NEED
Loosemore |
O Lord, increase my faith
Lotti |
Lovett |
Ave Maria
Lundmark |
Till Betlehem - not publicly available
MacDonald |
Crux fidelis
MacMillan |
Seven last Words from the Cross - not publicly available
The Lamb has come to save us ... - not publicly available
Mahler |
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
Marquez |
Martin |
Mass for Double Choir
Mascagni |
Choruses from Mascagni's Operas
Messa di Gloria
Mathias |
Ave verum corpus
Full Fathom Five
Maunder |
Olivet to Calvary
McDowall |
Bless to me this day - not publicly available
The Lord is Good - not publicly available
Mealor |
Crucifixus - not publicly available
Mechem |
Seven Joys of Christmas - not publicly available
Mendelssohn |
Chorale: Wer nur lieben Gott lasst walten NEED
Come let us sing
Hear my prayer (inc. "O for the wings of a dove")
How lovely are the messengers (from "St Paul")
Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang)
Lauda Sion
Psalm 13: Lord, how long wilt Thou forget me?(Op. 96)
Psalm 43 - Richte mich, Gott (Op. 78)
Psalm 114 - Da Israel aus Agypten zog (Op51)
Sechs Spruche
St. Paul
The First Walpurgis Night NEED
Verleih uns Frieden
Menotti |
Amahl and the Night Visitors
Moeran |
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D - not publicly available
Monllor |
Missa a 5
Monteverdi |
Beatus Vir (Novello SSATTB version)
Beatus Vir (Chappell SSATB version, with "added" strings)
Beatus Vir (Jackson SSAATBB version)
Cantate Domino
Christe, adoramus te
Christmas Vespers NEED
Vespers (1610)
Moore |
All wisdom cometh from the Lord - Not publicly available
Magnificat in Bb - Not publicly available
Morales |
Missa mille regretz
Parce mihi, Domine NEED
Morera i Cots |
Salve, Regina
Morley |
Eheu, sustulerunt Dominum
Nolo mortem peccatoris
Out of the deep
Mozart |
Ave verum corpus
Choruses from Mozart's Operas
Inter natos mulierum
Veni sancte spiritus (KV 47)
Missa Brevis in G major (KV 49) NEED
Missa brevis in D minor; KV 65 NEED
Mass in C major "Dominicus-Messe" KV66
Regina Coeli (KV 108)
Benedictus sit Deus (KV 117) NEED
Litaniae de venerabili (K125) NEED
Mass in C minor (KV139) - Waisenhausmesse
Missa brevis in G ("Pastoral"; KV 140)
Te Deum (KV 141)
Missa [No 7] in C major (in honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis), KV 167
Missa brevis in F (KV 192)
Missa brevis in D (K.194)
Litaniae Lauretanae KV195
Missa brevis et solemnis in C (Spatzen-Messe [Sparrow Mass]; KV 220) NEED
Misericordias Domini (K.222)
Mass in C major (K.257: Credo Mass) NEED
Missa brevis in C major (Organ Solo Mass: KV 259)
Missa Longa in C Major K262 NEED
Sancta Maria K273 NEED
Missa brevis in Bb major (KV 275)
Regina Coeli (K276)
Mass in C major (Coronation Mass) (KV 317)
Vesperae de Dominica (KV 321)
Missa in C major (Missa solemnis; KV 337)
Vesperae solennes de confessore (KV 339) (which includes "Laudate Dominum")
Kyrie KV 341
Mass in C minor (Great Mass) KV427
Requiem (with added Druce "alternative" bits)
Requiem (Levin Completion)
Mudd |
Let Thy merciful ears, O Lord
Mundy (William) |
Ah, helpless wretch
O Lord, the maker of all things
Murillo |
La Cabana
Naylor |
Vox dicentis: Clama NEED
Nees |
De profundis clamavi
Noble |
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (in B minor)
Opera Choruses (with CMT) |
Various Opera Choruses
Works by Beethoven, Berlioz, Bizet, Borodin, Donizetti,
Gounod, Handel, Leoncavallo, Mascagni, Mozart,
Purcell, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner
Orff |
Carmina Burana
Palestrina |
Exsultate Deo
Fuit homo missus a Deo
Hodie Christus natus est (a 4) (SSAB)
Hodie Christus natus est (a 8) NEED (SSAT-ATTB)
Missa Aeterna Christe Munera NEED
Missa Brevis
Missa: Nasce la gioja mia
Missa: Nigra sum
Missa Papae Marcelli (for six voices)
Missa Sicut Lilium
Sicut cervus
Stabat Mater NEED
Tu es Petrus
Parker |
The Holy Child
Parnell |
Music's Joy and Song's Eternity NEED
Parry |
Blest pair of Sirens (4-part)
Blest pair of Sirens (8-part)
Hear my words, ye people NEED
Invocation to Music
I was glad
Songs of farewell
- No. 1: My soul, there is a country
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- No. 2. I know my soul hath power
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- No. 3. Never weatherbeaten sail
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- No. 4. There is an old belief
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- No. 5. At the round earth's imagined corners
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- No. 6: Lord, let me know mine end
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Parsons |
Ave Maria
Pearsall |
Sing we and chaunt it
Pergolesi |
Stabat Mater
Stabat Mater SATB Choral version)
Perosi |
Transitus Animae NEED
Peruchona |
Cessate tympana, cessate praelia
Philips |
Ascendit Deus
Surgens Jesus
Poston |
Sing unto the Lord - not publicly available
Poulenc |
Mass in G major
Quatre motets pour le temps de noel
Salve Regina
Stabat mater
Puccini |
Messa di Gloria
Requiem NEED
Turandot (Act 1)
Purcell |
A Purcell Anthology - Twelve Anthems NEED
1. Hear my prayer, O Lord
2. I was glad
3. O God, the King of Glory
4. Remember not, Lord, our offences
5. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of out hearts
6. Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei
7. Funeral Sentences (including Funeral Music for Queen Mary)
8. Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?
9. O God, thou are my God
10. Thy word is a lantern
11. O sing unto the Lord
12. Rejoice in the Lord alway
Britons, strike home! (from "Bonduca")
Celebrate this festival (Birthday ode for Queen Mary)
Celestial Music NEED
Choruses from Purcell's Operas
Come ye sons of Art
Dido & Aeneas
King Arthur
Let mine eyes run down with tears
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in B flat) NEED
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in G minor)
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (see also the Anthology above)
My beloved spake NEED
My heart is inditing
In these delightful, pleasant groves
Ode on St Cecilia's day 1692 NEED
O sing unto the Lord
Te Deum & Jubilate Deo
The Fairy Queen
The Masque in Dioclesian
Welcome to all the pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia's Day, 1683) NEED
Rachmaninov |
Vespers (All-night Vigil) (complete) (includes "Ave Maria" ["Bogoroditsye Dyevo"])
Radcliffe |
Preces & Responses |
Ramirez |
Misa Criolla
Ravel |
Redford |
Rejoice in the Lord alway
Reger |
(Und) Unser lieben Frauen Traum
Rheinberger |
Cantus Missae - Messe in Eflat NEED
Mass in C (Op. 169)
Stabat Mater (Op.138)
Roberton |
All in the April evening
Rootham |
Evening Service in E minor
Rossini |
Opera Choruses
O salutaris Hostia
Petite Messe Solennelle
Quartetto Pastorale
Stabat Mater
Rutter - not publicly available |
A Ukrainian Prayer
Birthday Madrigals
Christiana Canticles
Feel the spirit
. . . . . (A cycle of spirituals)
Hymn to the Creator of Light NEED
Mass of the Children
Te Deum NEED
The Falcon
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Rutter Collection
. . . . . (Folksongs, Carols, and general Partworks)
The Sprig of Thyme
. . . . . (A cycle of folk-song settings)
When icicles hang
. . . . . (A cycle of choral settings)
Saint-Saens |
Messe a quatre voix
Messe de Requiem
Oratorio de Noel
Salieri |
Confirma hoc Deus NEED
Mass in D (Mass no 1; Hofkapellmeister-messe)
Requiem in C minor NEED
Alessandro Scarlatti |
Dixit Dominus a 4 NEED
Dixit Dominus a 5
Stabat Mater
Schelle |
Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar NEED
Schubert |
Ave Maria
Magnificat D486
Mass No 3, in Bflat
Mass No 5, in Aflat
Mass in C major
Mass in Eb major
Mass-in-F (D872) - Deutsche Messe
Mass in G
Psalm 23 - Gott ist mein Hirt
Stabat Mater NEED
Standchen - Opus 135 (for Contralto and Male or Female Voices)
Tantum Ergo
Schumann |
Das Paradies und die Peri
Schumann-Clara |
Abendfeier in Venedig NEED
Schutz |
Christmas Story (Christmas Oratorio, Weihnachts-Historie, Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV 435)
Deutsches Magnificat NEED
Musikalische Exequien NEED
Psalm 100 - Jauchzet dem Herrn
Selig sind die Toten
Shearing |
Songs & Sonnets
Shephard - not publicly available |
Communion Service (Rite A)
The Easter Song of Praise (Exultet)
Sibelius |
Finlandia Hymn
Smith |
The Preces and Responses
Smyth |
Mass in D
Spohr |
The Last Judgement
Stainer |
How beautiful upon the mountain
I saw the Lord
The Crucifixion
Stanford |
Benedictus in C
For lo, I raise up
How beauteous are their feet
I heard a voice from heaven
Jubilate in C
Latin Magnificat NEED
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in A
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in Bflat
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in C NEED
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G NEED
Mass Via Victrix
Oh! For a closer walk with God
Phaudrig Crohoore
Psalms 130-131
Songs of the Fleet
Three Motets (Op38)
. . . . . . . . . . Beati quorum via
. . . . . . . . . . Justorum animae
. . . . . . . . . . Coelos ascendit hodie
Te Deum in Bb NEED
Te Deum in C
The Blue Bird
Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem NEED
Steggall |
Remember now thy creator
Stone |
Lord's Prayer
Stravinsky |
Symphony of Psalms
Sullivan |
The long day closes
The Prodigal Son NEED
Sumsion |
Communion Service in F major
Sussmayr |
Missa Solemnis
Suter |
Le Laudi
Swann |
Festival Matins
Sweelinck |
Gaudete Omnes NEED
Hodie Christus natus est NEED
Laudate Dominum NEED
Magnificat NEED
Tallis |
Evening Service (Short; Dorian Mode) NEED
If ye love me
In jejunio et fletu NEED
Loquebantur variis linguis
Mass for four voices NEED
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit
O nata lux
Salvator mundi
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
Tavener |
A Hymn to the Mother of God NEED
Taverner |
Dum transisset Sabbatum
Tchaikovsky |
Choruses from Tchaikovsky's Operas
Telemann |
In dulci jubilo
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich NEED
Uns ist ein Kind geboren NEED
Tippett |
Five Spirituals (from "A Child of our Time")
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis
Todd |
Blessed are the peacemakers - Not publicly available
Christus est stella - Not publicly available
Mass in Blue (Original version)
Mass in Blue (Version 2) - Not publicly available
Tomkins |
I heard a voice from heaven
Preces & Responses
When David heard
Trad |
Jasmin-flower (Moo-Lee-Hwa)
Travers |
Ascribe unto the Lord NEED
Tudway |
"Wimpole Service" - Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis
"Wimpole" Te Deum
Turner |
Gethsemane to Golgatha
Tye |
Nunc dimittis
(Lord, let thy servant now depart)
O come, ye servants of the Lord
(Laudate nomen Domini)
Usper (aka Sponga) |
Benedicam Dominum
Utendal (aka Utendahl) |
Inclina Domine
Various - a Collection |
A Collection of short Works by various Composers - not publicly available
1: Musica animam tangens -- Shank
2: Alas -- Marquez
3: Let the River Run -- Simon
4: The Lily and the Rose -- Chilcott
5: Moonlight Sound Design -- Tiguls
6: Ndikhokhele Bawo -- Traditional/Barrett
7: Hutia te Rito -- Traditional/Moore
8: Tábortuznél -- Traditional
9: Hanacpachap cussicuinin -- Traditional/Barrett
10: Now Is The Month Of Maying -- Morley
11: Pastyme With Good Company -- Henry VIII
12: Un Canadien Errant -- Traditional/Sirett
13: Lamma Bada yatathanna -- Traditional/Lehn/Perrine
14: Arirang -- Traditional/Hyo-won Woo
15: Healing Light -- Jenkins
16: Adiemus -- Jenkins
17: Song of the Plains -- Jenkins
18: I Love You / What a Wonderful World -- Norman/Stonehill/Johnson
Vaughan Williams |
A sea symphony NEED
Benedicite - not publicly available
Dona nobis pacem - not publicly available
Fantasia on Christmas Carols
Five English Folk Songs NEED
The dark-eyed sailor
The spring time of the year
Just as the tide was flowing
The lover's ghost
(Well met, my own true Love)
Wassail song
Five mystical songs NEED
Easter - Rise heart; thy Lord is risen
I got me flowers
Love bade me welcome
The Call
Antiphon ("Let all the world ...")
In Windsor Forest
Linden Lea (SATB)
Linden Lea (1st & 2nd Treble)
Lord, Thou hast been our refuge
Mass in G minor
O be joyful in the Lord (The Hundredth Psalm)
O clap your hands
O how amiable are thy dwellings
Old Hundreth
O taste and see - not publicly available
Serenade to Music NEED - no longer publicly available
Te Deum in G
The New Commonwealth
Three Elizabethan Part-songs
Toward the unknown region NEED
Verdi |
Choruses from Verdi's Operas
Pater Noster NEED
Quattro pezzi sacri - No. 1: Ave Maria
No. 2: Stabat Mater
No. 3: Laudi alla vergine Maria
No. 4: Te Deum Laudamus
Requiem (with alternative dynamics)
Viadana |
Exsultate justi
Victoria |
Ave Maria
Congratulamini mihi NEED
Jesu, dulcis memoria
Missa O magnum mysterium
Missa O Quam Gloriosum
O magnum mysterium
O quam gloriosum
O vos omnes
Salve Regina Antifon-8 NEED
Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris NEED
Sepulto Domino
Super Flumina Babylonis NEED
Vidi speciosam NEED
Vierne |
Messe solennelle
Vivaldi |
Beatus Vir (RV 597) NEED - NOT 598!!
Beatus Vir (RV 598)
Dixit Dominus (RV 594)
Dixit Dominus (RV 595)
Gloria - RV 589 - there are Casella, Malipiero/Everett and Martens versions
Jubilate & Gloria - RV 588
Lauda Jerusalem NEED
Laudate Dominum NEED
Magnificat (RV 610a)
Magnificat (RV 611)
Nisi Dominus
Wagner |
Choruses from Wagner's Operas
Walmisley |
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis
Walton - not publicly available |
A Litany (Drop, drop, slow tears)
Belshazzar's Feast
Coronation Te Deum NEED
Jubilate Deo
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (The Chichester Service)
Set me as a seal upon thine heart
The Twelve
Warlock |
Yarmouth Fair
Watson |
Evening Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis) in E
Weelkes - See also the List for Partworks and Madrigals |
Alleluia, I heard a voice
David's lament for Jonathan
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Hosanna to the Son of David
When David heard
Wesley |
Ascribe unto the Lord NEED
Blessed be the God and Father
Praise the Lord, O my soul
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Wash me thoroughly
Whitacre |
Lux Aurumque
The Seal Lullaby
The Stolen Child
White |
Christe, qui lux es et dies NEED
Widor |
Messe: 2Choeurs+2Orgues (Op36) NEED
Wilberg - not publicly available |
Down to the River to Pray
Williamson (Malcolm) |
The watch at the manger
Willcocks (Jonathan) |
In Praise of Singing - not publicly available
Wise |
The Ways of Zion do mourn
Wishart |
Go in peace
Wood |
Hail gladdening light
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in E flat major (Second setting)
O Thou, the Central Orb
Zelenka |
Haec Dies NEED
Magnificat in C (ZWV 107) NEED
Magnificat in D (ZWV 108) NEED