R Vaughan Williams

Five English Folk Songs

There is an excellent performance of this Work by the Calton Consort, under Jason Orringe, on YouTube starting here.

You can download a printable score for this Work from IMSLP - the Petrucci Music Library - though it may not be exactly the same as the one used to make the Midi Files below, and it probably won't be as good as a proper paid-for engraved and printed score.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work:-

Five English Folk Songs
UNemphasized Soprano 1 Soprano 2  Alto 1   Alto 2  Tenor 1 Tenor 2  Bass 1   Bass 2 
1: The dark-eyed sailor yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
2: The spring time of the year yes yes yes As 1 yes As 1 yes yes
3: Just as the tide was flowing yes yes yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1
4: The lover's ghost
   (Well met, my own true Love)
yes yes yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1
5: Wassail song yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

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Files originally uploaded in Mar/10.