Files "cleaned" originally

Henry Purcell

The Fairy Queen

Act V is on this page,
Acts III and IV are on the previous page, and
the Preludes etc, and Acts I and II, are on the one before that.

If you know of a Website from which can freely and lawfully be downloaded a printable score for this Work, even though it may not be exactly the same as the one used to make the Midi Files below, please let me know the address.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work (note that each piece has been transposed a semitone down - from the Score I used - to match the recording I listened to; note also that in that recording many of the pieces contain repeats that are not specified in that Score, and which I have not included in the Midi Files):-

The Fairy Queen (Act V)
UNemphasized Soprano  Alto  Tenor  Bass 
41: Act V - Prelude None None None None
42: Thrice happy lovers None None None None
43: The Plaint None None None None
44: Entry dance None None None None
45: Symphony None None None None
46: Thus the gloomy world None None None None
47: Thus happy and free yes yes yes yes
48: Yes, Daphne None None None None
49: Monkeys' dance None None None None
50: Hark how all things None None None None
51: Hark! The echoing air yes yes yes yes
52: Sure the dull God yes yes yes yes
53: Prelude None None None None
54: See, I obey
55: Turn thine eyes
56: My torch indeed
57: They shall be happy
None None None None
58: Chaconne None None None None
59: Chorus yes yes yes yes

Act V is on this page,
Acts III and IV are on the previous page, and
the Preludes etc, and Acts I and II, are on the one before that.

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

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Files originally uploaded in Aug/11.