Files "cleaned" Mar/11

William Walton

Belshazzar's Feast

Because of Copyright problems the Midi Files identified below are no longer publicly available.

The score for this Work is published by Oxford University Press, and may be purchased direct from them.

There is a competent performance of this Work on YouTube starting here.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work (where there is a Semi-Chorus, this is included within the relevant Choir part; where an individual voice in a Semi-Chorus has itself been divided, I have NOT separated it out).
This has been jolly hard to key in - there are an awful lot of notes (!), and it's all horribly discordant ... which makes checking (by ear) to find any mis-keyed notes especially difficult. I've done my best, but ... if you find any mistakes, please accept my apologies, and please let me know what and where they are.
So, here it is:-

Belshazzar's Feast
UNemphasized Soprano 1 Soprano 2  Alto 1  Alto 2 Tenor 1 Tenor 2  Bass 1  Bass 2
1-7: Thus spake Isaiah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
7-14: If I forget Thee yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
14: Babylon was a great city None None None None None None None None
15-25: In Babylon Belshazzar the king yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
26-40: Praise ye, praise ye yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
41-51: Thus in Babylon the mighty city yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
51+ - 53: And in that same hour yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
54-66: Then sing aloud to God yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
67-end: Then sing aloud yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

Back to Composer.

Files originally uploaded in Jun/09.