Files "cleaned" originally

John Rutter

When icicles hang

Because of Copyright problems the Midi Files identified below are no longer publicly available.

The score for this Work is published by Oxford University Press, and may be purchased direct from them.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work
(note that in a few places one or other of the Voices is divided only for a few bars; I have not shown them separately here):-

When icicles hang
UNemphasized Soprano 1
Soprano 2  Alto 1 
 Alto 2  Tenor 1
Tenor 2  Bass 1 
 Bass 2 
1: Icicles yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1
2: Winter nights yes yes yes yes yes As 1 yes yes
3: Good ale yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
4: Blow, blow, thou winter wind yes yes yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1
5: Winter, wakeneth all my care
6: Hay, ay
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes As 1

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

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Files originally uploaded in Jan/11.