Files "cleaned" Mar/11

J Haydn

The Creation

There is a competent performance of this Work on YouTube by the Philharmonia Chorus starting here.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work (first in each column are all the relevant Files zipped up). The Midi Files were made (mostly) from the old Novello Score, and have that Score's numbering. The new Novello Score numbering is shown in the square brackets - "[ ]".

The Creation
UNemphasized Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
All Files All Files All Files All Files All Files
Part 1
1: [1] Introduction - The Representation of Chaos None None None None
2: [1a] In the beginning yes yes yes yes
3: [2] Now vanish before the holy beams yes yes yes yes
4: [3] And God made the Firmanent None None None None
5: [4] The Marvellous Work yes yes yes yes
6: [5] And God said: let the Waters None None None None
7: [6] Rolling in foaming billows None None None None
8: [7] And God said: let the Earth None None None None
9: [8] With verdure clad None None None None
10: [9] And the Heavenly Host
11: [10] Awake the Harp
yes yes yes yes
12: [11] And God said: let there be lights None None None None
13: [12] In splendour bright None None None None
14: [13] The Heavens are telling yes yes yes yes
Part 2
15: [14] And God said: let the waters None None None None
16: [15] On mighty pens None None None None
17: [16] And God created great whales None None None None
18: [17] And the Angels None None None None
19: [18] Most beautiful appear None None None None
20: [18a] The Lord is great yes yes yes yes
21: [19] And God said: let the earth bring forth None None None None
22: [20] Straight opening None None None None
23: [21] Now Heaven in fullest glory shone None None None None
24: [22] And God created Man None None None None
25: [23] In native worth None None None None
26: [24] And God saw everything that He had made None None None None
27: [25] Achieved is the glorious Work yes yes yes yes
27a: [25a] On each living Soul awaits None None None None
27b: [25b] Achieved is the glorious Work yes yes yes yes
Part 3
28: [26] In rosy mantle appears None None None None
29: [27] By Thee with bliss yes yes yes yes
30: [28] Our duty we have now performed None None None None
31: [29] Graceful Consort None None None None
32: [30] O happy pair None None None None
33: [31] Sing the Lord, ye voices all yes yes yes yes

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

Back to Composer

Files originally uploaded in Jun/04.
Minor changes in Mar/Jun/09.
Zipped Files originally uploaded in Feb/09.